- How do you define the courage? 你如何定义勇气的?
- When speaking of software products, how do you define the term“quality”. 问:当说到软件产品的时候,你如何定义术语“质量”
- How do you define the dignity of a person? How do you define the dignity of an institution? 如何定义个人和机构的尊严?
- A: How do you define travel route? 你怎样选择出差路线啊?
- How do you define right and wrong? 你如何定义对与错?
- How do you define your music style? 你是怎么定义你的音乐风格?
- How do you define how long a user can access and execute a Web service? 如何定义一个用户可以访问和执行Web服务多久?
- How do you have the brass to say that? 你怎么有脸那么说呢?
- How do you cope with the problem of poor vision? 怎样解决视力不好这一难题呢?
- Q. How do you define a "significant structural element" in an API starting material? 问:请问如何定义API起始物料中的“重要(有效)结构单元”?
- How do you define your singing because you can be pop, you can be musical, and you can be classical? How do you define it? 你如何定义你的音乐?是流行,音乐剧,还是古典?如何定义呢?
- Do you have the courage to go bungee jumping? 你有胆量玩蹦极跳吗?
- How do people define the continental shelf? 人们怎么确定陆架的范围的?
- A: Easier said than done. What do you mean by "society"? How do you define "society"? If you mean "people," how are they really going to have a say? 说起来容易做起来难。什么是社会?你如何定义社会?如果你所指的就是“百姓”,那他们如何才能真正拥有话语权?
- Do you have the courage to believe the Bible? 你有没有勇气去相信圣经?
- Do you have the courage to go bungee jumping? . 你有胆量玩蹦极跳吗?
- How do you define diplomacy? For the group Physicians for Peace, diplomacy is all about bringing medical education and care to places where they are needed most. 你是如何定义外交这个词的?对于和平医生组织来说,外交就是把所有关于医学的教育和关心送到最需要的地方去。
- How do you define laziness? 你是怎么定义懒惰的呢?
- How did you climb to the top of that building? 你是如何爬上楼顶的?
- How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎么开始干那一行的?